Friday, December 30, 2005

It is with great saddness I must say...

The blogging RAMPAGE!! is over. I just couldn't keep up.

Well, and there's the fact that I'm going on a top secret trip to Michigan with Deidra tomorrow. I can't tell you anymore than the fact that we're leaving tomorrow at 8:00am and returning on January 6th. We'll be doing fun stuff and have a great time, but don't tell anybody. It's top secret.

If I can I'll try to find a library where I can update you about our trip, but I'm not promising anything. Soo, don't get your hopes up. Oh, and remember, top secret, so don't tell anybody. Shhhh...

Oh, and pray for us because we'll be traveling through some snow, but you don't know that.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Youth in Asia, Part Deux

I have decided to concede with the most controversial issue that is present in our society today, and I think that we all know that issue is.

Wharf air.

It is indeed dreadful and repugnant. We should stop this madness at once because most of the time wharf air smells of fish, and I don't particularly like the smell of fish. And, there are always those crusty old sailor men hanging around wharfs (and having their heirs about them, i might add). I was never much for crusty old sailor men either.

Yes, wharf air should definately be abolished. Think about it.

Ode to Lenny's

Oh, how you’re tasty in my mouth
And now, you’re mostly in the South.
Nevada is the one exception,
But, that can be one’s own perception.

Technically, it is below
The Mason Dixon line, fo’ sho’
But I digress, for what I said
Has nothing to do with Lenny’s bread.

Frank thinks it is just like a brick,
But, I believe it does the trick.
It’s lovely and it tastes so good.
Like it, Frank, you really should!

We’ll have a party, they’ll be one rule.
Green velvet shoes (just flats, not mule).
We’ll eat and eat, there’ll be such joy.
Sandwiches for each girl and boy.

Turkey, bacon, and ham on wheat,
With cheese, I think, would be a treat!
We’ll eat them up, and say, “Oh yum!”
And, eat some more, until we’re numb.

Our feet all clad in velvet green.
Our stomachs filled up to our spleen.
Huzzah! to those who love this food!
Huzzah! to you and all your brood!

I can’t express my love for you,
But we all know that this is true.
I love you Lenny’s (and love you bunches!)
Could eat your subs for all my lunches.

For those of you whose thoughts may differ,
I leave you this, Just take one whiff
Or, taste it, and you’ll know. You’ll see!
It is as good as good can be.

Monday, December 26, 2005

The Twenty-Third Post

I tag myself. I found this at the Beehive. It looked rather interesting, so I shall partake in the fun and festivities (though I am behind in the fun).

The Twenty-Third Post

Here's the game:
1. Search your blog archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (this is meant to say something about you).
4. Post that sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five people to do the same.

"I woke up, much to my dismay, at about 12:00PM today."

This is very interesting because I have said this A LOT lately. I hate waking up after 12. It just bugs me. I do stay up way to late sometimes, nevertheless, I still hate waking up that late.

I tag:

Yay, another game!

Christmas Food is Yummy!

This was me and all the food I ate on Saturday and Sunday. It was fantastic.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Hugs and Warm-Wishes

It's nice how people are in the Christmas spirit.

I was doing some last minute Christmas shopping today (not for my quartet Last Minute but last min--nevermind), and I don't understand why people don't like going out the day before Christmas. Everyone was very jovial, especially those of us who were driving. Every once in a while you hear a car honking as if to say, "Merry Christmas to you, too!", or "I hope you having a wonderful Christmas thus far.". It was just delightful. And, I also thought it was nice how everyone wanted to be close to each other during this holiday season. The cars were back to back, crowding each other. It looked like they were trying to hug each other, wishing each other a happy Christmas and a blessed New Year.

As I was pulling out of a parking spot in the mall, I heard a car say "Merry Christmas" to me. I looked over and there was a car very close to my car. (They probably just wanted a car hug.) But, when I looked to my right there was yet another car, going the wrong direction, and very close to my car. Then I figured out that the two opposing cars must have known each other, so with utmost Christmas spirit, I pulled back into my spot so the two cars could meet. I'm sure there were pleasantries exchanged by the two cars as they passed each other, but I'm sure that there were especially pleasant greetings coming from the car going the right way to the car that was going the "wrong" way.

I made my way out through the hugs and warm greetings, and then back to my home. It's nice that this holiday season everyone is in such a loving and warm-wishing mood. Simply refreshing.

For those who don't like monkeys...

This will surely stop the comment frenzy, but I felt that it must be done. I have found out, via the comment frenzy, that there are people out there who don't like monkeys. I find this shameful and full of shame. So, it is with my greatest effort that I change their minds in some way with photographs of cute baby monkeys. They'll never be able to resist the baby monkey. Here goes...

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Go! Go! Go!

Talk about whatever, just comment LIKE CRAZY!!! Talk about outer space, talk about ducks, talk about movies, talk about barbershop, talk about ANYTHING! Wooohooooo!!!! IT'S A COMMENT FRENZY!!!

Hahaha.... That sounded like an informercial because IT'S A COMMENT FRENZY!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

It's nice to have a day of nothing.

Today's agenda went as follows:

[x] Wake up.
[x] Do nothing.

That's about it. It was fantastic.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Monday, December 19, 2005

History of Poopography

This class is probably, no, is the hardest class in the history of ever. So hard, most people have had to take this class twice. I was one of those people, and it just so happened that I also had 18 hours of classes this semester and I was RAing as well.

Well my friends, I am victorious! I MADE A "C"!!!!! (Most of the time I would not be happy with a "C", but under the circumstances I am thrilled.) I no longer have to take the worst class in the history of ever. It's over! I'm done! Which means I can graduate in the Spring! Yay!

Oh! I'm so happy.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Ron's Thoughts on Squirrels....(or Ron's Squirrely Thoughts)

So, on the way back from my Mom's birthday lunch at Copland's, my parents were discussing how there were a lot hickory nuts at our house this year. Last year, we didn't have a lot of nuts, but we had an abundance of squirrels. But, Mom found it interesting that we haven't had that many squirrels this year, but a lot of nuts. Dad came up with a theory; a theory about squirrels...and nuts.

Squirrels eat nuts. But, since there weren't a lot of nuts last year, the squirrel population has gone down. Perhaps the squirrels have moved elsewhere, somewhere where there are more nuts, or at least where they think there are more nuts (because we did have an abundance this year). And, since we didn't have that many nuts last year, perhaps the squirrels didn't have enough food to stay alive and have baby squirrels. So, that's why the squirrel population is down this year. Either they moved away or there actually are less of them.

...I think it went something like that.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

"Do The Mario"

So, I was watching the old Legend of Zelda cartoon tonight (which is part of the Super Mario Brothers Show), and that's not the most amazing part of this post. It was amazing and cheesy and fantastic and Link would always say, "Well, excuuuse me, Princess!", but that's beside the point. After it was all over, the live action version of Mario would come on and sing his rap song, and I felt that I should share it with you all. Maybe you even remember it.

"Do The Mario"

Swing you arms from side to side
Come on it's time to go
Do the Mario
Take one step and then again
Let's do the Mario, all together now!
You got it.
It's the Mario.

I used to watched the Super Mario Brothers Show on Saturday mornings in 1989, and I still remembered that song and was able to sing along to it. Oh man, I used to love that cheesy show.

My Favorite Flower

I think that I've come to an ground breaking conclusion. I used to think that the Gerber Daisy was my favorite flower. Now, don't get me wrong, it is still a fantastic flower, but I think I changed my mind about it being my favorite.

I think now just the regular daisy is my favorite, and I'm going to have to blame the movie "You've Got Mail". I really like the bouquet that Joe Fox gives Kathleen Kelly when she is sick.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Word of the Day

I think this is my new favorite word because it's so fun to say. Pococurante! Go ahead. Say it outloud. You know you want to. If you roll the "r" it makes it even better.


Indifferent; apathetic.
One who does not care.

As in:
The jovial beaver had only happy feelings for the kangaroo rat, but the kangaroo rat was pococurante.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Best Day Ever...

You know why?

Becauses FINALS are OVER!!! Woot!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My Not-So-Excellent Mexican Dinner

I guess I really can't blame it, though. It was at one time frozen and in a cardboard box. But, I just read about Frank's amazing Mexican dinner and I thought mine was inferior to the likes of his and thought I should share.

I'm on a RAMPAGE!

I'm writin' this one for all my peeps out there.

Monday, December 12, 2005


As I was taking my History of Photography final, I had an interesting thought.

My brain is a grapefruit. (Bear with me)

When I eat a grapefruit, I slice it in half, add sugar, and then procede to eat it section by section with a spoon. After I am finished with all of the sections, I squeeze the rind with my left hand until the last drops of precious juice fill my spoon (which is in my right hand), and then I savor the grapefruity goodness for a few seconds more.

My brain understands how the grapefruit feels. I had to remember a ridulous amount of information for this final. The knowledge is equivolent to the sections of the grapefruit. My brain is the spoon extracting the pulpy flesh from the grapefruit of knowledge. When I thought I was finished extracting all the information from my grapefruit, I remembered the juice in the bottom. So, I squeezed every last ounce of juice from my brain, and came up with a few more answers which I thought that had gotten lost in the vast grapefruit chasm. And, then I moved on to the second half of the test.

The squeezed grapefruit and I can now relate.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I'm a Silly Neenerhead.

Apparently, I was on "Edit Html" and didn't realize it. I've found my way back to the light side.

Apparently, I'm "it"...

This is a silly game, but it is fun. I am silly, but I am fun. I shall play this silly game and have fun.

Seven things to do before I die:
  1. Be in a Broadway play. (Preferably Wicked or You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown)
  2. Get married to a man that I am hopelessly in love with, and have children. (I'll just lump them together.)
  3. Visit at least 6 continents.
  4. Photograph famous people for magazines and such.
  5. Learn to play the violin.
  6. Be in a movie with Sandra Bullock. (haha)
  7. Kiss someone underneath some mistletoe.

Seven things I cannot do:
  1. Look someone in the eyes and lie.
  2. Steal.
  3. Be the "real" me in front of large groups of people that I don't know, when I'm the only person there that I know.
  4. Write the music that I sometimes feel. (I borrowed that from Dan.)
  5. Settle for just anyone.
  6. Listen to Kenny G or Yanni for more than 2 minutes at a time.
  7. Pole Vault.

Seven things that I expect will attract me to my spouse:
  1. Makes me laugh. Period.
  2. Understands me as a person. My humor, my concerns, what makes me happy, etc.
  3. Loves God and makes Him the priority of his life, but I'm a VERY close second.
  4. Loves to watch movies and quote them. (Understands what I'm talking about when I quote a movie.)
  5. Makes me believe that it's ok to be me.
  6. Makes me believe that I'm the pretty (I know, I know, it's vain)
  7. Loves children and to be around them.

Seven things I say most often:
  1. That's amazing!
  2. Whoa.
  3. I have a history of photography test tomorrow.
  4. Quotes from the movies I've seen.
  5. I'm such a dork.
  6. Yay!
  7. Oh, man!

Seven books I love:
  1. The Bible
  2. Fox in Socks
  3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  4. The Giver
  5. The Pricess Bride
  6. And Then There Were None
  7. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

Seven movies I could watch over and over again:
  1. Bewitched
  2. You've Got Mail
  3. While You Were Sleeping
  4. Dave
  5. White Christmas
  6. It Could Happen to You
  7. The Man Who Knew Too Little
(I'm going to disclaimer this, like Dan, and say that some of these are not even my top 10 favorite movies, but for some reason I can watch them over and over again with out getting tired of them.)

Seven people I want to tag:
  1. Meagan
  2. Wally
  3. Molly
  4. Catherine
  5. Laura
  6. Katy
  7. Sandy

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Oh, Man!

I was just half-listening to the television (yes, listening) and I heard my favorite song playing, Fix You by Coldplay. I looked up it was playing to the preview of King Kong. I wanted to see this movie anyway, but just because they have such good taste in music I really want to see it now!

I'm pretty sure none of that makes sense, but I just had to share.

What Becomes of Boredom

I had 45 minutes of torture left and I didn't know what to do. I brought my book to read, but I can't focus on things of that nature when I'm behind the Womack desk. I know that this time behind the desk is good for doing homework, but I just can seem to focus. So, I had 45 minutes left, like I said, I went searching. The broom closet was open and I struck gold. Apparently, we keep games in the broom closet, and there just so happened to be a box of dominoes sitting in there waiting for me to play with them. I obliged. First, I started with the infamous "domino effect", and then I went on to.... well, you'll see.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Don't Try This At Home

I believe I made an unwise decision tonight around 10:00.

I was called over to the Womack desk to relieve someone so he could relieve himself, and while I was there I decided to buy a coke. Instead, I bought a Vault and a Cherry Coke. Don't ask me what posessed me to do this. I figured I wouldn't drink the Cherry Coke and I would save it for a rainy day, or in tomorrow's case, a snowy day. This did not happen.

For those of you who don't know, a Vault soda apparently has 47mg of caffeine per 8oz serving. The bottle that I drank had 2.5 servings. I actually just realized that the bottle wasn't one serving.

Anyway, I suppose it was around 12:30am (the Vault was long gone by this time), and I decided I was thirsty again. I thought about drinking some water, but I found my hand going for the Cherry Coke. (I haven't quite finished it, and I don't think I will.) This can of coke is one serving and contains 34mg of caffeine per serving. Now for all of you non-math majors out there. In about a 3 hour period, I had approximately 81mg of caffeine. It is now 3:35am and I am still wide awake. If fact, I found that my hands were shaking a little not to long ago.

The good news is I don't have any classes tomorrow, but the bad news is I want to go to sleep.

I suggest to all of my 282 fans out there (haha), don't do this. It's stupid.

During this time period of awakeness, I haven't gotten anything productive done. I played Tetris, talked to friends online, and I watched the second have of Interview with the Vampire.

I was not impressed with the movie, or at least the second half. And, I think that I am going to have to agree with Dan's opinion that Tom Cruise is a bad actor. I was watching him and thinking how Kirsten Dunst (who was 8 at the time) was already a much better actor that he. Now, that I think about it, he only has one character and it's in every movie. It's varied, but it's basically the same.

Anyway, I didn't like the movie.

Okay, I just redid the math. It's 107.5mg of caffeine. Wow.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

Now, it's only 5 more finals!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I think I can, I think I can...

ONE more day of classes and 5 more finals...

Monday, December 05, 2005

I think I can...

2 more days of classes and then exams.