Saturday, December 24, 2005

For those who don't like monkeys...

This will surely stop the comment frenzy, but I felt that it must be done. I have found out, via the comment frenzy, that there are people out there who don't like monkeys. I find this shameful and full of shame. So, it is with my greatest effort that I change their minds in some way with photographs of cute baby monkeys. They'll never be able to resist the baby monkey. Here goes...


Becca said...

i think frank just got eaten by a monkey... or he faded his screaming and began to eat some doritos.

i think the latter would be funnier.

van Danne said...

i'm sorry... that didn't help.

i still pretty much don't like monkeys. even baby ones.

Becca said...

it truly is a shame. cause those are some pretty cute monkeys.

Jen said...

I love monkeys. Monkeys are fun and cute. I even have a set of pajamas with monkeys on them, to which I refer as my "monkey jammies."
You probably know a little more about me than you want to right now.

beatrice said...

I don't like monkeys! They have an emotionally disturbing way of, well, picking their noses in public, that I find, well, disturbing.
Other than that, I have no real objections to monkeys.

(shweet word verification, btw!)