Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I'm on a RAMPAGE!

I'm writin' this one for all my peeps out there.


Becca said...

You will always be peep #1. I don't think anyone else would do just as a fantastic job. Keep up the good work.

Becca said...

just because we're divorced doesn't mean that you can be one of my peeps. besides, i told you when we had our facebook marriage that it would end divorce. tough cookies.

Jen said...

I like being a peep. But not a marshmallow one. Those are gross.

That's some good lookin' corn! (obscure reference inspired by Frank's post)

van Danne said...


Deidra said...

hehheeee...corn...I don't know what they do, but Illinoissss has some great lookin corn...
(some of you may not get this...and it's okay)

Jen said...

Illinois . . . we hope you . . . oh, never mind