Monday, February 26, 2007

The Irish love a twinkie...

Dee and I went to Wal-Mart tonight. Here are some pictures from our trip.

That hat got Punk'd.

We got stared at a lot. This...we are used to.

I might have to go back and get this wig.

Dee still looks hot.

We went a little overboard with the wigs, but had a good time. We always do.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Birds Can't Snap

I'm sitting outside because it's beautiful today. It's sunny and about 60 degrees. It's amazing what a day like this will do for a person's mood. I just feel better because it's nice out today. I think the birds do, too.

At first, I just saw two of them talking to each other. And now, I think there are 5 or 6 of them. But are they actually communicating, or are they just enjoying the sounds that they are making? Is it just a deep discussion or are they composing a song, hymn, aria, ditty, bird shanty?

They seem to be congregating in groups. One group is on one side of the tree and the other is residing on the opposing side. This reminds me of West Side Story. Except, there's no snapping because birds don't have opposable thumbs...or fingers.

I can't wait for spring to get here. Winter is such a dreary season.

P.S. I just saw a dog with a ghetto booty.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Christmas is Over

Today, February 19, 2007, Dee and I took down our Christmas tree. We thought it was about time.

We also took the day to clean the house, which needed it badly. It's much better. Here's us after we finished the downstairs.

This is us in the music room where the Christmas tree used to be...for so long.

This is us in the bathroom with our lovely butterfly shower curtain.

This is us in our tv room. Dee's holding a red teddy bear.

And, this is us in the kitchen. We're planning on getting rid of that ugly yellow thing.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Haikus (It's been to long)

I enjoy a good haiku.
Here are some for you.


Snow makes me playful
White and fluffy and happy...
When is spring coming?

Green Socks

Children with green socks,
Brown shoes and a blue jumper
Wave sideways at you.

Juice in a Baggie

I have a straw, so...
I put juice in a baggie
It just tastes better.

Enjoy and feel free to respond in haiku form. (It's more fun that way.)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine Flyguy says...

happy valentine's day!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Latest Creation

I recently downloaded a trial version of Photoshop CS2 onto my macbook. I have missed having access to such a wonderful program. My old computer, is so old and full of...just stuff...that it doesn't function properly anymore. So, it's nice to have Photoshop back only if it is for a moment. Or, 30 days as the trial works. I find that I lose all track of time when I play in Photoshop, which I don't mind, really. It's a bit like being back in the photo lab at school, except without the stains and the chemical smell...

How I lost track of time tonight:

Friday, February 09, 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007

Double Woot.

It finally happened. 1,000. Yay! Now, I can be in the cool club.