Thursday, December 08, 2005

Don't Try This At Home

I believe I made an unwise decision tonight around 10:00.

I was called over to the Womack desk to relieve someone so he could relieve himself, and while I was there I decided to buy a coke. Instead, I bought a Vault and a Cherry Coke. Don't ask me what posessed me to do this. I figured I wouldn't drink the Cherry Coke and I would save it for a rainy day, or in tomorrow's case, a snowy day. This did not happen.

For those of you who don't know, a Vault soda apparently has 47mg of caffeine per 8oz serving. The bottle that I drank had 2.5 servings. I actually just realized that the bottle wasn't one serving.

Anyway, I suppose it was around 12:30am (the Vault was long gone by this time), and I decided I was thirsty again. I thought about drinking some water, but I found my hand going for the Cherry Coke. (I haven't quite finished it, and I don't think I will.) This can of coke is one serving and contains 34mg of caffeine per serving. Now for all of you non-math majors out there. In about a 3 hour period, I had approximately 81mg of caffeine. It is now 3:35am and I am still wide awake. If fact, I found that my hands were shaking a little not to long ago.

The good news is I don't have any classes tomorrow, but the bad news is I want to go to sleep.

I suggest to all of my 282 fans out there (haha), don't do this. It's stupid.

During this time period of awakeness, I haven't gotten anything productive done. I played Tetris, talked to friends online, and I watched the second have of Interview with the Vampire.

I was not impressed with the movie, or at least the second half. And, I think that I am going to have to agree with Dan's opinion that Tom Cruise is a bad actor. I was watching him and thinking how Kirsten Dunst (who was 8 at the time) was already a much better actor that he. Now, that I think about it, he only has one character and it's in every movie. It's varied, but it's basically the same.

Anyway, I didn't like the movie.

Okay, I just redid the math. It's 107.5mg of caffeine. Wow.


Deidra said...

i agree..Tom Cruise is a poopy actor, and he really isn't good what's the point??
and woah..that's a whole lotta caffiene. it's a shame i couldn't stay awake..we coulda had tetris tournaments..wait what am i thinkin?? i hate tetris.

Jen said...

ummmm . . . that's a lot of caffeine, even in my world.
I am so with you about Tom Cruise. But, I do think he's good looking, so I don't mind the movies too much.
Did you see "Queen of the Damned"? I thought "Interview" was better, so that should give you an idea of the movie quality there.
Deeter, can't wait to see you tomorrow night!

Jen said...

Friends don't let friends drink that much caffeine. Too bad we weren't there to save you.

katy said...

Maybe if you eat a piece of toast with all the caffiene next time, the toast will suck it all up instead of it going into your bloodstream and then you can sleep. There. BTW, ever heard of something called water? :-)