Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Classtime Thoughts - This is based on a true story

In my organizational behavior class, we asked ourselves if our garbage was being disposed of properly. This lead to an interesting statement by my teacher:

Plasic is forever.

This struck a funny chord with me (like a diminished minor 7th) because I always thought that diamonds were forever. So, using my teacher's logic, we should inform the diamond engagement rings companies and let them know they have been wrong all this time. Engagement rings should be made of plastic. Who cares if they're ugly! Who cares if they makes your fingers sweat and blister! Plastic is forever, my friends, and we must inform our nation!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Walker's Thoughts #1

I think if I could grow a third hand I would grow an air horn, but it would be one that I could control with my mind instead of having to use one of my other hands to control it by pushing a button or flipping a switch or anything of the sort.

This comes to mind because I've nearly been killed a few times on campus....this semester.

I don't believe the bikers on campus know what a speed limit sign is. They, like the rest of us walkers and drivers and skateboarders and scooterers, have to obey the law. I have had close encounters two times this semester (4 weeks) already with bikers trying to run me over. Hence the air horn. I could just blow it in their faces and they would know from then on to leave "Air Horn Hand Girl" alone, or a least be a little more cautious while riding.

I am no longer scared of the cyclists on campus after today. I'm scared of jeeps, and other cars, but especially jeeps like the one that nearly hit me today while I was walking back to my apartment. You can see where my air horn hand would be very useful at this point.

This is just one of the many things I come up with while I walk around campus. There will be much more to come. I just thought I should share the dangers of walking on campus without an air horn hand with you first because I felt it was of most importance.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

spontaneous blogging randomness

i have four things to say. 1, 2, 3, 4.

Monday, September 19, 2005

oh happy Posted by Picasa

scared me. Posted by Picasa

car fun Posted by Picasa

car fun Posted by Picasa

car fun Posted by Picasa

car fun Posted by Picasa

car fun Posted by Picasa

the ugliest picture of me ever! we had a good laugh over this one. Posted by Picasa

Frank, looking dapper. Posted by Picasa

Dee gets poker! She nearly beat me. Posted by Picasa

Dan, deciding whether or not to bluff with a 2 of hearts and a 3 of clubs. Posted by Picasa

Me Posted by Picasa

tommy, discussing the rules of the game. Posted by Picasa

poker game fun Posted by Picasa

Deidra. She can't wait to get out on the open water. Posted by Picasa

Frank, looking dapper Posted by Picasa

All is not lost....

Apparently, I met my future husband today as I was walking to the photo lab. His little brother came up to me and mumbled something in little person. I asked him what he said. He replied, "My brother likes you. He's the one in the tree." So, intrigued, I look over and spot him. Lounging lazily in the lone tree at the KUC courtyard (and the sole person nearby), was an 11 year old. "Okay.", I said back to the little person, and I continued my trek to the lab. Turns out, their dad and mom were apparently printing in the photo lab.

It doesn't stop there folks. There's more.
It went something like this:

Little Brother: Hey. He likes you.
Big Brother: Hey! Shut up!
Me: ................

Little Brother: How old are you?
Me: Why?
Little Brother: I want to know.
Me: You want to know or your brother wants to know?
Little Brother: I want to know.
Me: If you can guess it right, I'll tell you. (haha)
Little Brother: 20?
Me: No.
Little Brother: 21?
Me: Too late, you guessed wrong.

True love? You be the judge.

Friday, September 16, 2005


is it bad that it's only the third week of school and i'm already tired of it? it may have to do with the weekly friday history of photography tests, or the drone of anthropology, or stressing over writing a speech, or, maybe, the confusion and frustrasion of my organizational skills class, or maybe it's all the pictures i have to take and develop, or could it be all the stuff i have to do as an RA, and then having to juggle all this with chorus, making duct tape purses, and being with friends and family.... nah, couldn't be, must be in my head.

Friday, September 09, 2005


tomorrow = fun.

i'm going boating with some good friends and then to the MTSU first home football game. Go Blue Raiders! wow. it's my fifth year in school and it took me this long to get some school spirit. haha.

yay, boating!

Friday, September 02, 2005

interesting day.

Class was normal. Working the desk from 3-5 was normal. Being forced to attend something that I believe to be vulgar and profane is not normal. Even 10 minutes of vulgarity isn't ok to me. I was told that I had to go see this performer at the Murphy Center today because it's one of the Week of Welcome Activities here on campus, and because I'm an RA I was required to go. I asked my boss if I had to go and he said yes. I asked again, this time saying that I didn't approve of the content of the show and didn't feel I should have to see it. He said yes again, this time saying that I only had to go to 10 minutes of it (I at least got it down from 30). Anger was setting in. I don't get angry, but when someone tells me to do something against what I believe, anger sets in. Torn between going and feeling ashamed of myself or not going and possibly losing my job, I came across a solution. I would physically enter the building and then exit. At this point I didn't care if it were 10 minutes or 10 seconds, at least I was going. When I got there I was asked to donate to the Red Cross to help those in New Orleans. Thankfully, I just gotten my check and gone to the bank, so I had money. I delivered the money to Red Cross and left feeling much better, and less out of breath, than when I got there.

I was due back at the Clubhouse for a poker game at 8:15, but I was hungry so I decided to grab a burrito. I think all of Greek Row was in Fresco Burrito Co. because it took me about 20 minutes to wait in line to get something to eat. I got back to the Clubhouse and the police were there. I don't know exactly what happened, but I decided to eat my burrito outside with three other girls that were out there that I knew.

We finally went inside and player poker, we had an open spot so we'd invite everyone that came in to play. One guy sat down with us. He'd never played before and he seemed really lonely. The other girl decided to leave and then the other guy that was playing had to do something, which left me and the invited-lonely-looking guy to talk. Interesting conversation. He lead most of it. Actually the people playing were an interesting array of people. There was me, a black girl, a man with a terminal disease, and a gay guy.

interesting day indeed.