Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Deceived by the Sun

It's been sunny here is Nashville for a few days straight.  Calm, cool, temperatures have been keeping people level-headed for the most part.  Haven't seen any fights lately.

In fact, it felt like fall this morning.  You know the crisp air I'm talking about.  I think I even inhaled hoping for that first taste of fall.  No luck, but I could feel it coming soon.  I'll give it a month.

On to the good part...

I hobbled to lunch with Kat.  It was a lovely afternoon.  Bright blue sky, big fluffy clouds smiling down on us as we walked with our ice creams in hand.  She got chocolate with chocolate sauce.  I got chocolate/vanilla with dark chocolate peanuts.  As we made loving remarks towards our ice creams, enjoyed the bright, clear sky of summer, and walked back to the office we couldn't have had a better end to our lunch experience if we tried.

That was until the car driving by managed to find the only pothole in town with a puddle.  Splashed between Walgreens and Sam's Clothing & Shoes.  I don't think I've actually ever been splashed by a puddle until today.

Sunny days will teach me to let my guard down.

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