Sunday, September 16, 2007

Daily Observation

My favorite types of clouds are the ones that look like blankets across the sky, and I especially like them at sunset. I am always seeing photographs in daily life, driving down the street, walking through the store, taking a walk, etc. And, I was thinking today on my way back from church, that these clouds are the best for taking pictures, dramatic enough to be interesting but subtle enough blend into the background if they aren't the focus. To me, these clouds are more of a rare breed, so they tend to be more exciting for me to see.

I also like the single fluffy clouds in the afternoon.

Yes, I realize I didn't use any of the proper names, but who does? Besides people who know then, like scientists teachers.


katy said...

I like to see the tops of the clouds when I fly in an airplane.

I'm glad you don't actually take the pictures while you drive. That could be very dangerous.

Becca said...

i have taken pictures while i drive..... :o/

i'll try not to do that.

Unknown said...

No pictures while driving? That's going to cut down on my prize winners!