Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How My Brain Works...

Have you ever pulled up behind a car at a stop light that is exactly like yours in every way and thought, "What if that is me one minute into the future?"

I think these kinds of thinks a lot.


katy said...

That's deep.

All I do is try to figure out which has more beats per minute - the turn signal or the song that's playing.

Someday I'm going to make a whole mix CD of songs that have the same beat as the turn signal. Then my life will be complete.

Becca said...

or the windshield wipers...

it really bothers me when their not together...
or if my blinker isn't with the blinker in front of me.

fa-so-la-la said...

haha. Every day when I sit at the light waiting to turn onto campus this bothers me. I've actually skipped tracks over this. And then sometimes I start trying to figure out if maybe the fast blinker is triplets on the same beat as the slow one.