Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Flashback

So as I was cleaning my room yesterday, and I found a treasure.  My sixth grade reading journal.  I have decided to give you excerpts from it every Friday because it is quite hilarious.  I also want to write it just like I wrote it then, misspellings and all.  Teacher comments in red.

Here is the first entry in my journal:

"6th Grade

I think 6th grade will be neat.
The only bad part will probally be
dimerits.  I the the teachers will be
great!  I look forward to imural sports, band,
field trips, and more.  I hope science and
social studies will be fun.  In the cafiteria
food is good.  I look forward to computer lab,
teen living, p.e., and tec lab.  I don't look for-
ward to tests.  I hope to make alot of new
friends and keep the old ones.  Hopefully
they can get it a little warmer in the 
classrooms.  The teachers seem nice.

I band I want to play clairnet.  The
reason why is I hope it will be fun and
if you don't want to play anymore you
can play a different insterment.

I hope to go to Chicago with every-
one.  I wander what we'll do besides
watch a baseball game?  Go to lots of museums!

I think riding on the bus is
fun.  I get to sit and talk with my
friends.  Then the time comes for us
to leave.

I hope I get to come in 7th and
8th grade.  Woodland Middle is a great
school! I agree!  WMS is #1"


Lynn Bruce said...

"teen living"

i love that. what a funny kid you were. are.

Becca said...

that was an actual class.

i think the volleyball teacher taught it.

that might explain some things.

Anonymous said...

you are a funny little girl!!!
when i was in 6th grade...oh wait...that was only four years ago!!!

i was afraid of demerits, too, and i was in the band for about a month because my classes were wrong.

thought you should know.