Friday, March 31, 2006

Hello my name is...

I'm graduating from college. That's weird to me. I've been in school for so long now. What has it been, something like 18 years in all? This has been my life, my job, and now I have to change everything I've known. Five weeks from today, I'll be in the real world, something I couldn't wait for when I was a junior in high school. Now, I'm just scared. What am I going to do? Who will I meet? What changes will happen to me? What will I do with myself? All of these questions (and more) run through my head frequently. I have been told that this is a normal occurance, but for me this is new. I've never graduated from college before. On May 6th, my life begins...again.


Deidra said...'ll be fine. if i can do it, you can do it. si se puede!!

Deidra said...

hey we're gonna be roommates!!! woo!!!!!!!!!!

katy said...

Yea Becca!

You'll do fine. Whenever your mad college skills fail you, you can rely on your wit and charm!