Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Run, Forest, Run!

I wasn't particularly in the best mood today. The polka did help that a little, and I worked on my book today (which is looking particularly cute.) I decided to come home and take a nap. I think I fell asleep around 5:45 and woke up 3 hours later. I don't think it qualifies as a nap if it's over two hours. After I got up, I tried to motivate myself to go run (which I had been doing all day).

I finally got up the energy to go over to the REC center and run. I planned to run for about 30 minutes, a short run, and be done with it. Then, something amazing happened. The spirit of Forest Gump possessed my body (which is weird to think about), but I just started running and I didn't want to stop. When I got to 40 minutes, I thought, "I can go for an hour" When I hit the hour mark I told myself to go ten more minutes, which lead to ten more minutes, which lead to ten more minutes. That is when I stopped. I thought an hour and a half of running was quite enough.

I lost count of the mileage after 4 miles, I just quit caring, but I think I figured that I went about nine and a half miles.

It's nice to know that I'm only 4 miles away from the half marathon at the end of April.


Deidra said...

and you thought you were behind...

Becca said...

yeah, well....i guess i'm not. thanks for commenting. you're my one true friend. :o)

beatrice said...

Let me quote you --
Or, in the adjective sense of the word --
I'm feeling very woot! about that!