Saturday, December 24, 2005

Hugs and Warm-Wishes

It's nice how people are in the Christmas spirit.

I was doing some last minute Christmas shopping today (not for my quartet Last Minute but last min--nevermind), and I don't understand why people don't like going out the day before Christmas. Everyone was very jovial, especially those of us who were driving. Every once in a while you hear a car honking as if to say, "Merry Christmas to you, too!", or "I hope you having a wonderful Christmas thus far.". It was just delightful. And, I also thought it was nice how everyone wanted to be close to each other during this holiday season. The cars were back to back, crowding each other. It looked like they were trying to hug each other, wishing each other a happy Christmas and a blessed New Year.

As I was pulling out of a parking spot in the mall, I heard a car say "Merry Christmas" to me. I looked over and there was a car very close to my car. (They probably just wanted a car hug.) But, when I looked to my right there was yet another car, going the wrong direction, and very close to my car. Then I figured out that the two opposing cars must have known each other, so with utmost Christmas spirit, I pulled back into my spot so the two cars could meet. I'm sure there were pleasantries exchanged by the two cars as they passed each other, but I'm sure that there were especially pleasant greetings coming from the car going the right way to the car that was going the "wrong" way.

I made my way out through the hugs and warm greetings, and then back to my home. It's nice that this holiday season everyone is in such a loving and warm-wishing mood. Simply refreshing.


Jen said...

I like it when drivers tell each other "you're number one," with one simple gesture. It's heartwarming.

Becca said...

i'm sure that was shared between drivers today as well. it just makes my cheeks flush with joy.