Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Speech I Gave This Morning

The speech I gave this morning is also the speech I wrote this morning. I don't know what it is, but apparently I work best under pressure. I wish I wasn't that way, but so be it.

During the speech, I added my own little embellishments, but for the most part it went something like this...

You've probably these types of commercials before. Lose 80 POUNDS in 4 DAYS with the newest and greatest diet pill on the market. I'm sure that we all wished that we could take a pill like that and poof! all that excess weight was gone, but unfortunately that doesn't happen. I want to talk to you about how diet pills are not effective but can be dangerous and how diet and exercise help in losing that extra weight that you don't want.

First, I would like to talk to you about the ineffectiveness of diet pills and also the dangers of taking them. When I see the diet pill commercials on TV I just have to laugh because they're so fake and they have that little disclaimer in the bottom corner that says, "when combined with diet and exercise." So, what's the point of diet pills? If it takes diet and exercise to lose weight why not cut out the middle man and just try diet and exercise?

America today, is a very fast-paced society and we also want to do things the quickest way. Diet pills claim that they help you lose weight fast, but one source stated that some diet pills can make you gain weight if not used properly.

According to, "Diet and weight loss drugs are not a cosmetic solution for weight loss, neither are they intended to replace convention[al] diet and weight loss programs should not turn to pills as an easy weight loss solution."

Also, according to Lisa Brownlee of, a lot of people don't if they're over weight or just right. This has to do with what people see on TV.

Brownlee states, "Many of the women on TV have body weights that are more indicative of an eating disorder
than of normal weight."

So, when we are watching TV and we see how skinny they are we think that we should look that small, or at least I have thought that before.

Sometimes when people feel like they just need to lose a few pounds, unfortunately they sometimes go for the diet pills.

A good reason not to choose diet pills is because of all of the major side effects, which include high blood pressure, heart palpatations, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, depression, gas, diarrhea, temors, bulging eyes, heart attack, tachycardia, stroke, seizures, heart failure and death.

Now that I've talked with you about the dangers and ineffectiveness of diet pills, I would now like to talk to you about how diet and exercise can help you lose weight.

Wouldn't it be a strange world if we heard this when we were little. "Young lady, you better eat all those cookies off your plate or your not getting any vegetables!" Hopefully, it was the other way around. Our parents tried to teach us good eating habits when we are young so that we can use them when we get older. That, unfortunately, doesn't always carry over to college. It's hard to find healthy food on campus. So, we would rather take the easy way out and dial 898-0028 for a pizza because it's quick and easy.

We just need to take a little time and think about what we're putting into our bodies. According to Joe Mullich of, there are nine simple ways to lose weight. 1. Eat dairy daily - dairy helps speed up your metabolism which helps you burn calories. 2. Have an apple before dinner - the roughage (skin) of the apple makes your feel fuller, so you don't eat as much at dinner. 3. Be wary of white foods - like bagels, potatoes, breads, rice, and creamed corn. 4. Drink water with a twist - when I started drinking more water I had trouble with it, but if you put a little lemon in it, it doesn't taste as bland. You can also but the flavored kind. My favorite way to drink it is ice cold. 5. Act like a kid - if you have kids dance around with them to the Wiggles and if you don't have kids turn on some of you favorite music and dance around. You'll look like an idiot, but you'll be burning calories. 6. Munch on a handful of M&Ms - this sounds contrary to what I been saying but a half a regular-sized bag of M&Ms gets rid of that sweet tooth and is only 100 calories. 7. Be picky about bread - choose high-fiber whole-grain with at least two grams of fiber. 8. Eat breakfast - We've heard this all our life but it actually works. Choose whole grains for breakfast and it wil start up your metabolism for the day. 9. Brush your teeth after every mean - not only is that sanitary and good for you teeth, but it serves as physical and psychological cue to stop eating. Not to mention, drinking orange juice after brushing you teeth is the worst.

Physical activity is very important to weight loss. According to Tim Mcilvain, without the proper techiniques like calorie control, diet, and exercise the weight will come back. All you have to do is get up off the couch. Stop watching all those skinny people on TV and go out and take a 20 minute walk or run. If you don't like either of those try frisbee or soccer. It doesn't really matter what physical activity you do, it's just important that you get off your butt and go and do something.

In conclusion, I hope that you understand the ineffectiveness and dangers of diet pills and can now see how diet and exercise can improve your way of life and help you to lose weight.


Brownlee, Christy. “The Skinny on Diet Pills.” 2003. 25 Oct. 2005.
“Diet Pill Dangers.” 2005.
25 Oct. 2005.
“Diet Pills.” 2005. Oct. 2005.
Mcilvain, Tim. “Diet, Caffeine Pills Pose Health Risk.” 2003.
25 Oct. 2005.
Mullich, Joe. “9 Little Ways To Be a Big Loser.” 2005.
25 Oct. 2005

1 comment:

van Danne said...

Whoa, that was really good! And I'm sure it had its moments of humor in the telling as well. :-)