This subject has been on my mind for a while, mostly because it has been a blindingly apparent hot button topic on FaceBook. And by "this subject" I'm sure you are aware of what I'm talking about, but let me recount for all 2 of you who are reading this 5 years from now. Chick-fil-a founder and owner, Mr. Dan Cathy, recently was asked his opinions on marriage. He shared his beliefs and has been praised and ridiculed throughout cyperspace.
Let's continue...
If you know me, you know that I am a Christian. (I hope) I don't shove it down your face, but I do hope that I live a life that reflects what I believe. Please don't stop reading and get all offended at that statement. I have something to say.
We all suck at being human.
It's in our very nature. We are born to want for ourselves first and then, if there is time, others. Aren't we all guilty of this? I know I am.
A verse from the KJV Bible came to mind as I was driving home tonight. I was thinking about people (as a whole) and how awful we all really are towards each other.
This verse popped into my head. Romans 3:10 - "There is none righteous, no, not one."
Christians, this means you, too. Nobody is better than anybody else. When you point fingers and hurtfully ridicule others, stop and ask yourselves a few questions.
1. Are you perfect?
2. Are you sinless?
3. Are you qualified to judge others actions based upon your own?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are Jesus. Otherwise, we as humans have a lot of work to do to live up to those qualifications.
Here's the catch:
While we are on this wretched, sin-filled earth, it's never going to happen. We are never going to be perfect. We are never going to be sinless. We are never going to be able to justly judge others based upon our own actions.
Why? Because of our very nature! We come into the world screaming for attention and it only gets worse from there. We just get older and hairier and more obnoxious.
My point is this. God gave us minds, hearts, and emotions to have a passion for what we believe in. Awesome! Let's use it for good instead of evil.
I don't proclaim to have all (or any of) the answers. I don't declare that I am the best at understanding the Bible. But I do know that, at the very least, we are to treat others as we wish to be treated.
It's simple math.
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