Sunday, January 04, 2009

Clumpers of America, UNITE!

First of all, Happy New Year...

So far, it has been.  I just returned from a fantastic church meeting at Grace Chapel in Memphis.  Though my first intentions weren't solely to attend the meeting, I have to say I was truly blessed.  Blessed by the messages, blessed by the people, blessed by the friendships.  It is amazing how God works in our lives.  

Though I got little sleep, I wouldn't trade that for the late night/early morning Clump Club.  I learned some invaluable information from my fellow Clumpers, whom I dearly love.  We laughed.  We cried.  We taught.  We learned. 

How I wish I could bring all of my dear friends with me, but it just makes it that much more special when I do get to see them and spend time with them.  Though, when I come home, it reminds me how much I miss them.  I suppose I will just have to do some more traveling this year.  :)

As for the past six months...

I am an employee at the Barbershop Harmony Society.
I am trying to bring different types of art into my life.
I sing with my best friends.
I was in Daniel and Brittany's wedding.
I am going to be an aunt!
I love going to parties at my parents' house.

As for this year...

I am training for the Country Music Half-Marathon.
I am starting voice lessons.

I know that I haven't kept up with this blog like I had thought that I would, but I hope this year I will be more diligent.  I know that writing is a good outlet for me, however silly I may be.  I know being silly is a good outlet for me, however serious I may be.  Anyway, the point is, I want to keep up with this blog so that I can remember more clearly the things that have happened in my life.  I still enjoying reading past posts and I'm sure in future years I will enjoy it the same as I do now.


katy said...

You've stirred up my curiousity. What exactly is a clumper? I'm thinking it's something I might want to be -- especially if someone with your coolness is one.

I hear your voice teacher is AWESOME!

I'm so glad you're blogging again. I've been peeking over the last several months.

Count me in for our "date". You get yourself to Baltimore, I'll get us to NYC for a show... and whatever other nonsense we can get ourselves into.

Lynn Bruce said...

carpe clumpus, clumpy clumperson.