Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Holodeck: Helping Real Men Get Fake Women

In a 2:00am viewing of an early Star Trek: The Next Generation, I came across a real gem. A real gem.

Lt. Will Riker enters the holodeck which is set in a smooth, laid back, jazz club. He then procedes to create himself a woman, as they do, and blonde appears from thin air. Will rejects her because apparently (and I didn't know this), blondes don't belong in jazz clubs. Sorry. It's a fact. Then, a nice-looking brunette appears. She wasn't good enough, so Will asks for a woman that is more sultry. One appears. Will is mezmorized by her. Their eyes lock. Instant love. There is obviously an instant connection, and Lt. Will Riker delivers a pick-up line like no other...

"What's a knock-out like you, doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?"

You can't hire writers like that anymore.


Lynn Bruce said...

i remember that one!

the whole holodeck idea is just too big to think about. too many options! scary!

Becca said...

i want a holodeck.

van Danne said...

so it's been a long time since I've been here, and I'm so glad i decided to come back while this post was up. the sad things is i'm not nearly as much of a star trek buff as.... several other people i know, but... i remember that one too.

you're so right.

van Danne said...

by the way,

i really miss you people. especially around christmas time.

Lynn Bruce said...

ok, so i'm not afraid. let's discuss amongst ourselves. what would you do with your holodeck?

Becca said...

what WOULDN'T i do?

Becca said...

ok, a lot of things...

Wally said...

Sorry, but technically he is a Commander and not a Lt. Slightly higher rank. LT's don't get to be first officers normally.