I hereby challenge you to find the most unflattering picture you have of yourself and post it on your blog.
The rules are:
1. Post an ugly picture of yourself,
2. Don't post ugly pictures of your unsuspecting friends, and
3. Everyone who comments on the Ugly Picture Post must come up with a clever caption that fits your picture.
I win.
I don't have a caption yet.
Just, wow.
Did you specifically take this for said contest or did you just happen to have it laying around?
yeah, i just happened to have that one laying around...
that was taken last year around this time.
Becca invents a non-traditional definition of the phrase, "passing a basketball".
I've seen that one before; I still get night terrors . . .
Crap-on-a-spoon cam.
World "Say Cheese like you flippin' mean it, like you GOTTA HAVE IT" champion pauses for a press photo.
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