Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My face is 6 feet tall...

...on the corner of Hobbs and Hillboro. Apparently, it's a marketing ploy. I think anything that has my face 6 feet tall and 40 feet off the ground is a fantastic marketing ploy, and I approve.*

*This message has been approved by the TuneTown Show Chorus.


Deidra said...

woah if i look hard enough, i may see your face from my house.

Becca said...

if you click on it you can see it better...i'm pretty sure your in the front with your hands out.

katy said...

Hey, I can see my sister!


beatrice said...

i think i can see you there, dahling.

katy said...

I like the whole "sing with the champions" thing. It's like eating a box of wheaties or something.

Hey, you guys should all take a field trip to Baltimore. Pride of Baltimore practices literally around the corner from my new house (plus there is other fun to be had :-)

elliebird said...

where are you?

Becca said...

i'm om the front row in the middle bending down and reaching forward.