Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I like it.

It's going to hit me in August that I'm not in college anymore. Right now, my life is still as it has been for the past few years. School lets out, I get a job. Except this time, I have to find a full time job. So, I went out looking today. I need to get a resume together and that sounds boring. Haha. I'm also getting a laptop soon and I'm thinking of getting this bad boy. The 15-inch Macbook Pro. I like it. I think it will be excellent for me and the photography stuffs that I do. It will be awesome when I can put it on my lap.


katy said...

Being complete mac addicts, my husband and I wholeheartedly agree with your choice. My hubby suggested checking out this guy -- a friend from NY who is a heavy mac user as well (perhaps we should all join a support group).


Congrats on your graduation, Becca, and big blessings on all that's ahead for you!

Deidra said...

hey we're gonna be roommates!! can't wait to use your laptop..heheheeheheee.....

Becca said...

that website is superb. i like that word, superb. anyway, thank you for the congrats and blessings. i'll keep them in my purse.

and dee...

who said you could use my laptop?

Anonymous said...

Becca...you are my favorite Becca in the whole wide world!!Eye Luuv yeuuw! Congrats on your gragitation, honey-child!

katy said...

On the website, the guy on the motorcycle with all of the tattoos is a good friend of ours. He's a pastor in Manhattan.

When I keep congrats and blessings in my purse, they sometimes get tangled up in my earbuds for my iPod. So good luck with that...

Deidra said...
