Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Lyrical Genius

On my way home from a Last Minute rehearsal tonight, I began to think about the lyrics to one of our songs.

There is such genius in these words that it could move you to tears, and I would like to share these words with you.

We Go Together

Shooby do wop wop shooby do wop wop
I know he's-a my baby.
Shooby do wop wop Shooby do wop wop
Yeah, he drives-a me crazy.
A wop bop a loo bop a wop bam boom!

We go together like
Ram a lam a lam a ka ding a ding a dong
Together forever like
Shoo bop shoo wada wada yippity boom da boom
Chang chang changity chang shoo bop
We'll always be like one
Wah wah wah wa-ah

When we go out at night
And stars are shining bright
Up in the sky above
Or at the high school dance
Where we can find romance
Baby, it must be love

At night I dream of you
Wah wah
And hope that you'll be true
Wah wah

Wop bop a loo bop a wop bam boom
Wop bop a loo bop a wop bam boom
We go together like
Wop bop a loo bop a wop bam boom

Just like my brother is
Shana nana nana yippity boom da boom
Chang chang changity chang shoo bop
We'll always be together
We'll always be together

If that doesn't speak to you I don't know what will. Such passion, such emotion, such drama, such feeling in those words. Lyrical genius.

1 comment:

Deidra said...

HAHA! my favorite line is "just like my brother is shana nana nana yippity boom da boom."
ah man it gets me every time!